The old adage goes that knowledge is power, and we're a big believer in that here at WMC Accounting. Rather than just take a back seat, we offer a range of services that can give both individuals and businesses the tools they need to effectively manage their accounts.
We pride ourselves on relationship building, and are consistently striving to not only provide exemplary advice to those we do business with, but also be the go-to source of information for anything involving bookkeeping and accounting, and finance at large.
A local business with national experience
We're incredibly proud to call Geelong home, and believe that this part of Victoria is one of the most vibrant areas anywhere across the country. While we're more than capable of providing local businesses and individuals with top-of-line accountancy services, our approach is often more broad at times.
Our staff - the heart and soul of WMC - have a history of working in a whole plethora of fields, and can take their experiences and apply them to problems of real people and companies in Geelong, Victoria and beyond.
An eye on enterprise, and the future
Our services can meet the vast majority of financial needs, but it's our expertise in the business sphere that is perhaps most pronounced.
We appreciate that the world of finance can be complex for even the most savvy enterprise owners, so our accountancy experts will always aim to remove some of the burden, provide services
ranging from strategic planning to business forecasting, and allow those at the top of organisations to do what they do best; get on with running the business.
Moreover, alongside keeping track of trends in the here and now to ensure that our services are exemplary, our eyes are firmly on the future as well. Consequently, we aim to help business owners - and individuals for that matter - identify trends that could have a significant impact on how they manage their finances going forward.
For instance, cloud accounting is just one area in which we have built expertise, and we're striving to stay on the cutting edge of accounting technologies that could add value for our clients.
The caring approach
Simply, core to everything that we do here at WMC Accounting, is a significant amount of care and due diligence.
We really value our clients, and no question is too big or too small, with our dedicated team always ready and prepared to go the extra mile.
We certainly appreciate that the world of accountancy can be complex at times, but we're here to help both businesses and individuals with all of their financial needs - and centre the entirety of our operation around the key values of expertise, commitment and teamwork.
The quality of clients and the team feeling among staff presents us with an opportunity to continue to build our future growth by maintaining great service and relationships with our clients who are our strongest advocates.
We believe WMC Accounting has the passion that can make a difference in accounting. We care about our clients and all staff involved have a desire to build a practice that reflects our core values of expertise, teamwork and commitment.
Contact Us
Geelong Office - Map
72-76 Ryrie Street, Geelong VIC 3220
P. 03 5222 3200 | F. 03 5201 1222
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